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Cryptovea for children


Join us and change children's lives through sports! Cryptovea - a company with a foundation dedicated to promoting children's sports - offers opportunities for all children, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds. With your help and contribution to our common fund, we can ensure that no child is left out of the game. Every contribution translates into real change in these children's lives, providing them access to sports activities that nurture their talents and build their confidence. Our foundation works tirelessly to create an inclusive and equitable environment for children's sports. Your participation and contribution to our common fund can transform children's lives and open doors to success. Join us and together let's build a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive through the power of sports!

Only 7 Euro donation

Bank account : SK57 0200 0000 0047 9013 2558

Message for recipient : Cryptovea detom

Thank you for giving us more opportunities and joy in sports! Your support is changing our lives. Together, we can achieve great things. Thank you for caring about our future!





Jankovce 39

067 24 Slovakia

IČO : 55 425 208

DIČ : 21 219 894 19

Regional Court Prešov, 10611/P

D-U-N-S Number : 933696693

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