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Open account

Download and install Cryptovea client application to open Your account.  Requested operating system Microsoft Windows 10 or higher, no special requestment on memory, CPU or hard drive. 

First step

In the initial screen fill Captcha as security item against bots. We use captcha, primary and secondary password, security question and answer, floating digital code similar as Google Authentificator, encoding of database and memory as security items of sensitive data.

After filling Captcha Login, Password and Open new account will enable. 

Click on New account.

Pay attention to the timeline at the bottom of the screen. After two minutes the application closes.

Registration type

Select type of Your new account. You can choose personal and company account

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Personal account

First, confirm that You have read RISK DISCLOSURE and PRIVACY POLICY. Then the other elements are enabled. 

Fill requested infomation. Please, use only Latin letters without diacritics. Due to encoding, we do not support Cyrillic, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, or other letters.

Password is encoded on higher level, administrator cannot decode it. However, please do not use the same password as in the e-mail.

Check Active Sanctions Program here. We will refuse all investors from this list.

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Company account

Fill requested infomation. Please, use only Latin letters without diacritics. Due to encoding, we do not support Cyrillic, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, or other letters.

Insert company information like name, form, website, business type and business description.

Country on incorporation and operating location can not be from banned contries.

Fill registration number, date of registration, Tax ID if assigned, number of holders and one name of equity holder.

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Significant control person

Significant control person is required in case of company account.

First, confirm that You have read RISK DISCLOSURE and PRIVACY POLICY. Then the other elements are enabled. 

Fill requested infomation. Please, use only Latin letters without diacritics. Due to encoding, we do not support Cyrillic, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, or other letters.

Password is encoded on higher level, administrator cannot decode it. However, please do not use the same password as in the e-mail.

Check Active Sanctions Program here. We will refuse all investors from this list.

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Security elements

We will send You floating digital code to Your email. After successfully entering it into the system, you will be prompted Security question and answer. Use simply answer in one or two words.

We also use Secondary password. It must be different as primary. Secondary password is requested only if You forgot Primary password or You want to change basic information. Can not be used when You login to application. 

Click Finish registration. You wil be redirected to main screen which will be empty for now.




Jankovce 39

067 24 Slovakia

IČO : 55 425 208

DIČ : 21 219 894 19

Regional Court Prešov, 10611/P

D-U-N-S Number : 933696693

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