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Trusted devices


Using trusted devices reduces the risk of unauthorized people gaining access to your crypto accounts. This is a fundamental step in securing digital assets.

To work with the Cryptovea platform, we strictly recommend using computers that you trust.

Never use a device that is accessible to strangers or extended family.

You should have full administrator access to the computer you trust.

Do not perform activities that increase the risk of downloading a virus or other dangerous applications.

In the case of company accounts, we recommend that you install the Crzpt platform on your computer only for this purpose.



In general, consider using the same passwords for different applications.

We strictly recommend using unique passwords in the Cryptovea system that you do not use elsewhere.

Cryptovea uses high-level one-way password encryption that we cannot decode.

Consider with whom you will share your passwords.

Primary password is intended for logging into the system.

Secondary password is used for withdraw instructions.

Inheritance password is used in the event of death and the subsequent judicial process in the matter of inheritance.

We never ask for any password from our clients.



Cryptovea uses your email address to send floating codes for Two Factor Authetification.

Floating codes are another element of the package of security measures, the purpose of which is to protect your digital assets from unauthorized access.

Therefore, be very careful about who has access to your email.

Please note that the email password should be different from Cryptovea passwords.

We never communicate with our clients directly via their email.

Security question and answer


The answer to the security question should be simple, easy to remember.

The security question and answer are used as an additional security feature when resetting your primary and secondary passwords.



Do not deposit funds  at the request of others.

Do not purchase cryptocurrency at the request of others.

Do not provide access to your account to others.

Deposit addresses are subject to change. Keep in mind if you store them in third-party systems.

In the case of a deposit smaller than the specified minimum amount, your resources will not be credited to the account. It will be added to the next deposit if the total sum of deposits is greater than the minimum amount.

If you are worried, make the deposit in two steps. In the first, you deposit a small amount exceeding the minimum amount of deposit. Wait until the resources are credited to the account. And then insert the remaining part.

Telephone support


We never contact our clients by phone.

If someone contacts you by phone and pretends to be an employee of Cryptovea, it is a fraud with the aim of robbing you. You may encounter various types of pressure on your person, such as filing a complaint, filing a lawsuit or that your resources are at risk. None of this is true. Hang up the phone and block the number.

Personal meeting


Due to the principle of the same rules for all clients, we do not conduct personal meetings. Communication is carried out exclusively through our trading platform in written form.

Persons pretending to be a Cryptovea employee trying to meet you in person, usually in a public place such as a coffee shop, probably have illegal intentions.

Credit card


We never ask for any credit card information from our clients.

If you are asked to send your credit card information in a different form, do not respond to the request. It may be a fraudulent activity of a third party with the aim of robbing you.



Our clients understand the difference between a bank and a cryptocurrency exchange. The exchange of cryptocurrencies for other cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies will take place only on the assumption that we have enough purchased cryptocurrency.

Withdrawal of fiat currency takes place exclusively to a paired account in the bank, the statement of which the client sends as a photo attachment.

Withdrawal of fiat currency to another account is not possible.

Based on the requirements of higher authorities, Cryptovea offers some cryptocurrencies that can be held or traded, but cannot be withdrawn.

Withdrawal requests must be specified through the Cryptovea client application or on the basis of court proceedings, where we consider the court as a higher authority. We do not accept requests specified in any other form.

Remember that withdrawal requests have a specified minimum quantity.



Always download the client application from a trusted source.

Microsoft Store

We never publish the application on sources other than those listed above.

Client application must contain a digital signature of the development company SURIN && Partners. If it does not contain a signature, an unplanned code change has occurred.

Application is constantly checking the availability of a newer version. If a new version has been released, the application will be terminated and updated.

Virtual keyboard


Virtual keyboard is another element of the security package and is used for entering sensitive data, such as passwords or floating codes.

With a hardware keyboard, there is a risk of capturing pressed keys using a keylogger application.



Every instruction of the investor in the client application is recorded and saved.

In case of uncertainty or suspicion, check the history of login and entered instructions to get a more detailed overview of the operations performed on your account.

Trusted devices
Security question
Telephone support
Personal meeting
Credit card
Virtual keyboard

Easy account open

If You are ready, just download MS Windows client application and follow instructions.

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